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Testimonials . . .


“In every production I've worked with Bob I've felt my position to be equally integral whether in the ensemble or playing a principal role. There is an ease about the environment he creates which generates the best possible work out of his collaborators. His ability in guiding his actors to deliver genuine, nuanced, thoughtful, and provocative work is what keeps them (us) coming back. I honestly cannot wait to work with him again. Daniel J. Watts, Broadway Actor, Hamilton, The Death of the Last Black Man . . .


“He is such an organized, specific director who knows how to provide strong artistic leadership and structure for the production, while still allowing the people he hired to explore, discover, and create.  The balance he strikes makes for a very comfortable process.  I think the fact that he was an actor himself provides him with a strong understanding of the actor’s  process.. He is, hand’s down, one of my favorite directors to work with.”  Geno Carr, Broadway Actor, Come From Away.


“As a director, Bob is an ideal collaborator: creative, generous, respectful of all the departments, yet still always on board to be the 'captain of the ship'. He's hugely faithful to the material, and is never willing to compromise the artistic integrity of the piece. He's one of the greats!”  Nate Patten, Musical Director, National Tours.


"One of Bob's strongest points is that he works seamlessly between the disciplines of theatre and of musical theatre. He approaches performers like a theatre director in order to achieve a depth of characterization and motivation, and approaches the production as a musical-theatre master of logistics and planning.   One prime example of Bob's skill was his handling of Arthur Miller's "Playing for Time," which was the inaugural production in the Arthur Miller Theatre.  Originally written as a TV drama, this play with music is a tough assignment that many directors could not handle because it requires skilled musicians to both play and act (for extended periods) onstage.  Not only did Bob know what the musicians needed in order to play adeptly, he was also able to inspire credible characterizations from them. It was an honor for Bob to have been chosen from all of the SMTD faculty stage directors and alumni to direct the first production, but I also do not know anyone with a more appropriate skill set to pull off this production.  Quite honestly, I do not get emotionally involved in our productions, but I did go home and cry after all eight performances.  I appreciate Bob's producer's mindset in his approach to direction -- he wants to know his parameters, works within them solving problems along the way, and is appreciative of the budget.  He truly creates a collegial working relationship. The production staff always looks forward to collaborating with him.  I have only the highest praise for his work, his ethics, and his motivational expertise.  Jeffrey Kuras, Director of University Productions, School of Music, Theatre, & Dance; University of Michigan"


"Bob Chapel is champion of the theater and has been a guiding force in my career as a choreographer. Working along side Bob is a dream; he is a clear, decisive, and collaborative Director. I hold every project we've done together in the highest regard, both in process and final product." Kiira Schmidt Carper, Broadway actor (Follies) and Head of Musical Theatre Dance: Texas State University.


“Bob begins with a clear vision for the play and understands how to bring the best out of actors and designers in a supportive, collaborative manner that is relaxed and fun but purposeful and productive.  The process results in a quality product.  The experience with Bob is rewarding and fun for all whether in the professional realm or the opportunity for students to work with a professional director.”  Joseph Appelt, Chair, Northwestern University & Lighting Designer.


“Bob knows the meaning of "play,” and he infuses his rehearsals with laughter and boundless exploration. There are directors like Bob who make us all fall in love with the acting process again and again. Bob Chapel understands that actors are creative artists - and that the rehearsal process is a collaboration among artists to realize a successful production.  Matt Joslyn, Director of Development & Communications,Tectonic Theater Project, New York City


"If I ever get to work with Bob Chapel again, I will jump at the chance. Every show He's directed me in has been a personal and professional success.  His bold ideas, directorial vision and friendship are all things any professional hopes for in a theatrical working environment.  I'm so glad that I had multiple chances to work for and with Bob Chapel."  Jared Bradshaw, Broadway actor, Jersey Boys.


“Bob is a true champion of the theatrical process.  He is an open communicator always available for discussion & investigation while remaining diligent, productive & efficient.  His visions are clear & while he brings so much experience & insight to the table, he allows his actors the freedom to explore their own instincts emboldening them & creating an environment where they can truly thrive.  Bob is exactly what you could hope for in a Director-- respectfully collaborative with all departments of production, creative, insightful, charming & selfless.  He respects the work, the art, the craft & the process.  He is a leader who brings out the individual's best & in doing so, creates a larger, more beautiful & cohesive product.  With his awesome sense of humor, he makes the rehearsal process pure joy.  I'm lucky to call him one of my dearest friends, my mentor & my Director.  Rob Marnell, Broadway actor, Beautiful/Carole King Musical.


"I've had the pleasure of working with Bob Chapel in multiple shows, ranging in style from Gypsy to Return to the Forbidden Planet. As a principal and as an ensemble member, I learned volumes about acting, being part of a cohesive team and being a professional that have served me well on the journey to my current position in Wicked on Broadway. If I could get the time off, I'd follow him to wherever he was directing something! Even if just to SEE the show!"  Lindsay Northen, Broadway actor, Wicked.


“Bob has been an inspiration to our students and faculty over many years.  No one is more dynamic or more committed to making live theatre a part of our public conversations.”  Priscilla Lindsay, Professor and Chair, Theatre & Drama, University of Michigan; Actor, Director, Indiana Rep


 “Bob is encouraging and supportive, and his instincts are to be trusted--he has a vision for the show he wants to create and knows how to inspire a cast to achieve it.  I played roles I never knew I could because he spotted the potential in me before I did and trusted his gut.”  Emily Swallow, Broadway, Regional Theatre and Los Angeles TV actor, The Mentalist, Supernatural.


“Bob truly loves his actors and is passionate about the rehearsal process. His vision and facilitation of staging is clear, strong and specific. He empowers actors to trust their instincts and has an amazing way of directing that provides an actor with boundaries to create structure while at the same time a sense of freedom of expression. He envelops the actor in an atmosphere of encouragement, drawing out the best in all of us.”  Catherine Ogden, Regional Theatre Actor, Maria in The Sound of Music national tour.


“Bob is loyal, firm, kind, wise, brilliant, caring and has the heartiest laugh.  I can’t imagine where I would be without his influence on my career.”  Nancy Snow Carr, West Coast Actor, Old Globe Theatre.


“For over 40 years I’ve enjoyed a rich and productive artistic collaboration with Bob Chapel; he consistently delivers a great product!  Bob is a director who listens to his artistic team and readily adapts to unforeseen challenges once the production moves into theatre space.”  Tom Bloom, Scenic Designer, Heritage Theatre Festival and University of Virginia.


“As a Technical Director and Operations/Production Manager, it's hard to find an Artistic Director who has been more trusting and empowering than Bob Chapel.  His ability to get the best out of those around him has led in his success as both a Director of productions and manager of resources. It has been my pleasure to work with Bob over the past 10 years and I look forward to our continued collaborations. Steven Warner, Technical Director, Heritage Theatre Festival.


“Bob was an excellent director for us - an outstanding collaborator and creative in his work with the cast and production team.  He was also extremely easy to work with, providing students with a rigorous and yet supportive rehearsal environment.  I would not hesitate to hire Bob for another project.”  Jonathan Michaelsen, Chair, Indiana University Department of Theatre and Producer/Artistic Director, IU Summer Theatre.


“Bob is a first-rate director; professional, generous in the collaborative process, and meticulous in his attention to detail.  His process is seamless, his productions are beautifully executed and he inspires both artists and audiences in his work.”  Renee Dobson, Actor, Director, Associate Professor, Musical Theatre, St. Joseph University.

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